Why I chose to name my blog using this title from a classic old poem we all once learned from high school? How it first drew my attention & how did it turned prominent to everything me that I can't seems to let go of this one blog name? It keeps coming back and I decide it's time to settle.

Kalau korang ingat, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost ni ada dalam syllabus literature English tingkatan 4/5. 90's kids yang memang heart English time high school, akan ingat (kan?). Aku tak pasti syllabus sekarang dah bertukar pakai yang lain ke tak.
At first, aku niatnya nak buka cerita about my immortal love for language & literature. From how to now. Tapi, it only feels right to write about this blog origin first. Maybe dalam next post since it's another long story. Saving it for later!
Read it, feel it.
Anyway, dalam banyak-banyak poems we have to study dulu, yang satu ni adalah yang paling buat aku terkesan sampai sekarang. Probably the most relatable piece of poem yang pernah aku baca sepanjang hidup aku. At least dengan jalan cerita hidup aku yang bercabang-cabang dengan pilihan ni.
Anyway, dalam banyak-banyak poems we have to study dulu, yang satu ni adalah yang paling buat aku terkesan sampai sekarang. Probably the most relatable piece of poem yang pernah aku baca sepanjang hidup aku. At least dengan jalan cerita hidup aku yang bercabang-cabang dengan pilihan ni.
Feel dia macam bila kita dengar certain lagu then rasa lyric dia hit the mark, semacam kena betul dengan situasi hidup kau. Macam saja nak provoke kau.

Masa aku mula buat blog ni dulu sekitar may 2010, I was only thinking about blogging for the sake of fun. Kinda like open diary. And if it happened ada orang baca ke, there you go, you just read another piece of me (drama sangat la pulak).
Not to mention about how I was not very confident dengan penulisan aku time tu. Puii.. But the idea of having your own space on web, a little journal to write in your own story, it was liberating enough to bait me in.
When it came to blog's title, I had no idea about the significance of one blog's title/name or domain. Being once a sentimental girl, aku pun guna la 'zexta-tales.blogspot.com'. Zexta ni asalnya pen name aku from school, Zexta Archieveto.
Ugh, please pardon the randomness of the name. Thou I have long forgot how I have came up with that one, I have been using it for as long as I could remember. I still do from time to time bila aku rasa nak visit my past.

Pikir punya pikir aku endup pilih untuk guna title poem yang satu tu as my blog name. Road Not Taken. Yarr.. that's how lame it had came to this Road Not Taken title. But it lingers the longest and feel much close to home.
Bercakap pasal membuat pilihan. Choices.. dari nak pilih baju lepas mandi, nak makan apa hari ni hingga lah kau rebah pulak untuk malam tu. Life mostly is about choices and decisions we make. Bad one, good one.. We have all experienced the bittersweets of making one after another. Tapi kebanyakkan kita lupa yang semuanya telah tersurat seawal roh ditiupkan ke jasad lagi.
And I think, sole remark yang Frost intended to make is that, pilih la jalan yang mana pon, it will lead you the same. Experience might differ but goals and purposes? .

Thus this blog name to its least, will serves me as a strong reminder. No matter of the choices we have made in life, roads we chose to trod, none of those mattes. It's the courage of the first step and memories created along the way that count. *got bricked for being overly dramatic.
Okay. Done the brief history of this blog. Fuhh.. lega rasa. Lama betul tak properly made an entry. Minta maaf for being all flaky about blogging. Bukan main aku buat drafts dari awal tahun, but life happened. Sedar-sedar half year gone. Wuuu... I have been juggling pretty much everything. Pardon this flakiness coz it ain't done making me incompetent yet.
Oh! Thank you for reading this entry. I bid you adieu! Until next post & story. Buhbye!
Oh! Thank you for reading this entry. I bid you adieu! Until next post & story. Buhbye!
Gempaknya layout blog Yus
ReplyDeleteAku tengah practice webdesign kat blog sniri! Assignment sbnarnya. Baru khatam study blogspot punya template coding.
Deleteda font.. da font.. my eyes.. my eyes.. hahahahah nantilah gua baca guna mobile :3
ReplyDeletewelcome back!
susah ke nak baca? AHAHAHA! Noted, tgh cri font's yg tak clash dengan design blog yang sedap mata nak baca XD
Deletemacam mana nak follow balik?
ReplyDeleteMacam masa mula2 nak follow blog. Kt side bar aku followers gadget under subscribe me! Hehehe!! XD
DeleteOwemgeeh, nama blog awk sangat cool dan awesome siap ada makna lagi. hebat. kalau nak dibandingkan dgn nama blog BV, jauh sangat melalut. hahahaha. btw, cool jugak nama Zexta Archieveto, cmne dapat idea nama cool2 camnie? T^T
ReplyDeleteHye BV! Welcome aboard! Selalu nampak you blogwalk! Selamat berkenalan. I love your entries! Lagi2 part culture kat sarawak dan anime. XD
Deletethanks god i found another blog like yours. love it. keep it up!
ReplyDeleteaku 90's so i remember that poem, it just i'm not poetic person so hmm hmm hmm hahaha.
Welcome to this belog nadia! I just found my inner voice. Selalu struggle dgn ape yang nk di sampaikan. And I wish blogging will help me tru this. XD
DeleteKewl sangat aih ada burung kenari chibi dok bergolek-golek masa nak loading page mu ni Yuta X3
ReplyDeleteNgahahaha. Sbb belog aku agk lame untuk di load (purata 4-6 saat) so aku perlukan satu loader yang perlu hiburkan pengunjung. Kikiki. But it's my temporary loader img. Aku tgh siapkan loader aku sendiri. That's some random osem gif dri tumblr which aku sbnrnya tgh cri pelukis dia untuk di kredit. Aku rse mcm artist taiwan or jepun.
DeleteUuuu saspen aih nak tau apa benda yang akan ganti tempat Coca-chan tu weee~ XD